Thursday, February 18, 2021

Tsalenjikha Public School N2 English language teacher Tsitsi Chanturia


My school was awarded eTwinning label 2021-2022

My School Introduction

Safer  Internet Day activities

Photo Collage

Posters made by students 

Break the Fake Poster drawn by a student Mari Kuchuloria

Monday, February 8, 2021

Safer Internet Day

 Safer Internet Day at Babaeski Atatürk                   Anatolian High School 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Module 1:Digital Footprint

                 Time to Wear Literacy Glasses

We started to raise awareness on digital footprint with  Module 1

Our Sustainable Future

 Srednja škola Biograd na Moru with students from 2.b and 3.b participate in project Our Sustainable Future with other partners from differe...