Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Module 3. Breaking the Fake

In the classroom studentsare learning how to spot the differences between fake and real news by creating their own news. Students make this works using digital tools to raise awarness about this problem. Ana Marija L. writes the rules how to recognize a fake news.

Lara S. also said in every moment we must take care about ecology literacy. Learning about media and breaking fake news will help us to keep our Planet clean.

Our literacy glasses are helping us very much to be an good media educated student. Laura R. tell us that our media eye will help us see and recognized a real or fake news.

Stipe G. make a poster with message how to spot and fight dissinformation on Social media.

Ivana M.L. make her work asking others are they aware about the impact of Fake news on this world.
Stipe G. is preparing works for module 3. He is very intersting about learning how to break the fake news.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Our 4th Meeting

We met on 12 March, brainstormed and then decide on details of

Module 3. Breake the fake

Friday, March 5, 2021

Sections of my students' work


Our Padlet for Module 1 /Digital Footprint

                                      Our padlet for Module 1 /Digital Footprint
When you want to see our students' work on digital footprint, You can click on the link.

Module 2 : Introduction to Media Literacy

       We made an online meeting with our students. They shared the works that they created then presented them to the others. They had created perfect works to raise awareness about media literacy ; What is Media? Media are constructions Hoaxes and Fakes.


Our Sustainable Future

 Srednja škola Biograd na Moru with students from 2.b and 3.b participate in project Our Sustainable Future with other partners from differe...